Day 7: The first weigh-in!

So there’s an exclamation mark. As I know I’ve lost weight, I can feel it. Drum roll.. I have gone from 84.4kg to 82.0kg. 2.4kg loss (about 5lbs). Pretty awesome. But experience tells me a couple of things. Firstly, be happy but that doesn’t mean go celebrate with food! Weight loss promotes easy weight gain if you over eat even just once! Your body will be keen to put it back on. Secondly, the first week is normally the biggest weight loss, from now on it will settle into something slow, but hopefully steady.

One thought on “Day 7: The first weigh-in!

  1. Well, That’s a considerable amount for the first week. But like you mentioned , generally in the first week you tend to lose more weight. Just Keep going !!

    Monthly 3-5 Kgs would be ideal.

    All the Best 🙂


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